
A Registration object describes one school or other organization's entry into a tournament. It comprises the basic details about an organization and one or more Team objects.

It is expected that each Registration object represents a distinct school or other organization. For instance, if "Anywhere High School" enters two teams, there should not be two Registration objects whose name fields are Anywhere A and Anywhere B and one Team child each; there should be one Registration object whose name field is Anywhere (or Anywhere High School) and two Team children.


The school or other organization's name.


The location of this team's origin. This may be any combination of city, state, country, etc., as appropriate for the tournament, and should be in human-readable format.

teamsArray of Team

The teams registered to play for this school or organization.


A Team has a team name, other entry-specific information about the team that may not apply to other teams from the same organization, a list of Player objects, and optionally, a list of Rank objects.


The team's name.

playersArray of Player

The players registered to play on this team.

ranksArray of Rank

The ranks achieved by this team.


A Player object has basic information about a player.


The player's name.


The player's year in school. Use 0 for kindergarten, 1 for first grade, , 12 for twelfth grade (senior in high school), 13 for college frosh, , 16 for college senior, 17 for college post-senior, and 18 for graduate student. Use -1 when the notion of a grade is known to be inapplicable, e.g., for players who are not enrolled in school (this is distinct from omitting the field, which implies the player's year is unknown).



A Ranking for which the team is eligible.


The position/rank the team has achieved among all teams eligible for the given Ranking. Omitting this field indicates that the rank has not been determined yet (e.g. because the tournament is still in progress) but the team is eligible for the Ranking. May not be unique (i.e., there may be a tie).


A Ranking object describes an award that is given at a Tournament. A Tournament may have several Rankings; for instance, it might have a "top small school" Ranking or a "top undergraduate team" Ranking.


The name of the ranking.


A description of the ranking, such as information on eligibility.